Jackson had his surgery on Tuesday. They weren't sure of what all they were going to do until they went in. He had a tendon release, osteotomy, and cup augmentation on the right side. The doctor said he will probably need the same on his left side within a year or two.
Was in PICU Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday. He did not want to come off oxygen which is why they kept him in PICU. Got moved to the floor Thursday afternoon. Went home on Friday. He has a big wedge that is strapped between his legs.
Pain is pretty well controlled with lortab every 5 hours. It makes him drowsy and he sleeps a lot. The biggest problem is that he's not pooping yet. I gave him a glycerin suppository earlier. The discharge nurse just called and said that we should add another senna daily in addition to his miralax and senna he already takes. Hopefully he will go soon. And not get his wedge all poopy.
Zoe was really sad and confused as to why I wasn't around all the time. She is a big time mama's girl and she really missed me a lot. Lee said she was crying one night for me around 1 am. She is feeling much better now that we are all together again. Unfortunately she is complaining of her ear hurting again so I guess we're going to the doctor tomorrow. I see tubes in her future.